Sunday, October 25, 2009


Life is like a long journey a car goes through with many bumps along the way
How we all wish for a smooth straight drive
Picture the pretty scenery through the window
The sun always shines and the birds chirping along to the tune in the radio
No sudden halts and dangerous curves in the road
Just the calmness and serenity in the air keeps the car moving
But that’s only what we can wish for, right?

So, the real road ahead has not one but many diversions
The bumps that come our way are unexpected and ones we can’t foresee
Sometimes, the path is dark and lonely – we get lost
Dirt patches ruin the body of our car and brings down our self image and reputation
Road signs and maps tend to lead us to nowhere
We ask for directions but get led to places we don’t want to step foot on
Occasionally we come across traffic jams – God testing our patience through time
Our self esteem, faith and hope is weakened by pot holes discouraging us to move forward
Crossroads cause us nothing but confusion – not knowing which way to turn
And how can we forget meeting in accidents!
Some lead us to the loss of life, jobs or friendships
But from some we recover – get a shiny new coat and oil the engine!

It’s in times like this that we need to remember that God is in control of the steering wheel
He’s the one driving it and leading us towards the right destination
When facing those situations where pillars lie in our path or the car breaks down
Let’s not press the panic button and fear the worst
But break those pillars down and take the car for a service
God does the exact same thing with our hearts
He fills it with the Holy Spirit, re-fuelling and pumping up the engine to face the toughest of times
It’s only through the working of the spirit in us
That we are all geared up to meet tomorrow’s challenges

So let’s buckle up for the drive ahead
Use the bible as our map
Jesus as our navigation system
The holy spirit as our fuel
Start the ignition with a rock solid prayer
Accelerate and keep driving towards the journey of life!

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